Organizational Structure

Head of IRO

Ir. Maria Lobo, M.Maths., Sc., Ph.D

“Hello! Thank you for visiting our website. We are International Relations Office (IRO) UNDANA that is in charge of coordinating and facilitating international matters. Initiating and preparing MoUs and MoAs, assisting international students, arranging exchange lecturers, providing assistance for Undana students and lecturers to go global are some of our responsibilities apart from many others. We conduct a summer course, international webinars, VDMI awardees selection and International Education Fair annually. Please also visit our office in Rectorate Building 3rd floor, UNDANA Campus at Penfui and our social media at our Instagram @iro_undana and Facebook page Iro Undana. We are here to help and assist those in need.”

Management Information System and Publication

Kornelis Letelay

Secretariat, Administration, Finance and Institutional Development

Yosefina Dhae

International Events and Scientific Exposures

Sri Widinugraheni

Secretariat and Administration

Yunita Asa


Christiana Dewy Suparman

Marthina Liubana, S.Mat
Waltrudis A. Asa, S.Mat